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The Florida Department of Revenue Executive Director Jim Zingale has released two emergency orders for Florida taxpayers regarding property taxes and sales and use taxes as a response to COVID-19.
20-52-DOR-01 Property Taxes
The due date for individuals and businesses to pay their 2020 property taxes has been extended 15 days, from March 31 to April 15, 2020. This extension applies to all 67 counties in the state. Any property tax payments that are submitted either electronically or postmarked by April 15, 2020 will still be considered timely.
20-52-DOR-02 Sales and Use Tax
A second emergency order has been issued for sales and use tax, as well as other related tax returns. This second order includes two extensions, one for March, and one for April. Taxpayers who were adversely affected by COVID-19 and failed to meet the March 20 deadline will have penalties and interest waived if they file and remit by March 31, 2020. A similar extension is available for April, waiving and penalties and interest if unable to meet the April 20th deadline and filings are completed by April 30, 2020.
These extensions are available to taxpayers who have been adversely affected by COVID-19. The definition of an adversely affected taxpayer is as follows:
- The business closed in order to be in complicate with state or local government orders and had no taxable sales transactions as a result; or
- The business had sales tax collections in March 2020 that are less than 75 percent of the sales tax collection during March of 2019; or
- The business was established after March 2019; or
- The business is registered with the Florida Department of Revenue to file quarterly.
If a business does not meet this definition, it is encouraged to file and remit in accordance with the normal dates.
The sales and use extensions are also applicable to local surtaxes, tourist development tax, new tire fee, rental car surcharge, prepaid wireless E-911 fee, lead-acid battery fee, and the dry-cleaning gross receipts.
Click the link to read the official press release:
HBK will continue to follow developments and provide guidance and clarity surrounding COVID-19 business issues. To discuss COVID-19’s effect on your business, contact your HBK advisor.
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