HBK Named a Best Place to Work in 2023 in Southwest Florida

Date June 6, 2023

HBK has again been recognized as one of the “Best Places to Work in Southwest Florida” by Gulfshore Business magazine. The award was announced June 1 following surveys conducted by Best Companies Group, an independent research firm that specializes in identifying and recognizing great places to work.

“While every company has its own culture and every firm has a unique focus, all of these businesses go above and beyond in caring for not only their customers and clients, but their employees,” the magazine noted. “And aside from sharing a geographic place, the survey results show that all of these employers also share high marks for how they manage their workplace.”

To be eligible for the award, a publicly or privately held business, government or nonprofit entity must have facilities or operations in Southwest Florida and a minimum of 15 full-time or part-time employees working there.

In making the announcement, the magazine pointed to the HBK companywide motto, Working Together Sets Us Apart, saying it “expresses its team members’ commitment to each other,” that it “defines how team members rely on each other, share expertise and collaborate to deliver holistic financial services that address their clients’ specific needs and goals.”

“The foundation for that kind of commitment is serving others over self, and a purpose greater than us,” HBK’s Florida Principal-In-Charge, Michael DeLuca, CPA, MBA, told Gulfshore Business. “We believe this produces superior results for our clients, which is tremendously gratifying for all of us. We know our people perform at their best—and are most productive—when they enjoy a balance between their work and their personal lives.”

The magazine noted that HBK was one of the first U.S. firms to offer open leave time, offers flexible work schedules, and “provides an atmosphere of mutual respect, open communication and encouraging camaraderie.”

HBK was also recognized for its community engagement.

“We encourage our team to be active stewards for our communities at large, and we provide them the financial and other resources they need to stay involved,” DeLuca said.

HBK CPAs & Consultants is a multi-disciplinary financial services firm providing small to mid-market businesses and their owners and operators a wide range of financial solutions. To reach the HBK office in Fort Myers, Fla., call 239-482-5522; for Naples, call 239-263-2111.

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