Nonprofit Insights, a Quarterly Newsletter from HBK Nonprofit Solutions

Date November 10, 2022

Welcome to the Fall 2022 issue of Insights, a quarterly newsletter from HBK Nonprofit Solutions designed to help you navigate the financial challenges of operating a nonprofit organization.

In this issue, learn about:

  • Elevating your pitch to donors by understanding then highlighting the tax benefits of their donations for your organization and them
  • Setting up a tax-exempt organization that will meet the requirements of the IRS
  • Key factors to consider before creating an endowment fund
  • Benefit plan designs that satisfy IRS limits and requirements as well as provide a financial incentive to executives to remain with the nonprofit and allow the nonprofit to recover some or all of its investment
  • How Sarasota’s Van Wezel Foundation is partnering with the city to create and sustain a new and vibrant performing arts center

Read about the best practices of highly effective nonprofit organizations in the attached Fall 2022 issue of Insights, a publication of HBK Nonprofit Solutions. We hope you find Insights as interesting as it is informative, and we welcome your thoughts and input via the author contact information provided with each article.

Read the Latest Issue.

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