Ohio Issues Sales Tax Holiday Alert

Date May 10, 2022
Article Authors

The Ohio Department of Taxation recently issued an alert for its upcoming back-to-school Sales Tax Holiday. This year’s sales tax holiday runs from Friday, August 4th through Sunday, August 6th. Purchases of the following items are exempt during the holiday period:

  • Clothing priced at $75 or less
  • School supplies priced at $20 or less
  • School instructional materials priced at $20 or less
  • The Sales Tax Holiday does not apply to items purchased for use in a trade or business.

    The Department also maintains a FAQ page related to the sales tax holiday. The FAQs include definitions of clothing, school supplies, and instructional materials as well as answers to other common questions. The Sales Tax Holiday webpage can be viewed here.

    If you have questions on Ohio’s tax alert or other SALT matters, please contact HBK’s SALT Advisory Group at hbksalt@hbkcpa.com.

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