Pennsylvania Extends Personal Income Tax Return Filing Deadline to July 15, 2020

Date March 23, 2020
Article Authors
HBK CPAs & Consultants

The Department of Revenue today announced the deadline for taxpayers to file their 2019 Pennsylvania personal income tax returns is extended to July 15, 2020. This means taxpayers will have an additional 90 days to file from the original deadline of April 15. The Internal Revenue Service also extended the federal filing deadline to July 15, 2020.

The Department of Revenue will also waive penalties and interest on 2019 personal income tax payments through the new deadline of July 15, 2020. This extension applies to both final 2019 tax return payments and estimated payments for the first and second quarters of 2020.

The filing deadline is being extended at a time when Governor Tom Wolf has ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses to close to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Under Pennsylvania law the filing deadline for personal income tax returns is tied to the federal income tax due date.

Please click the link for additional details: HBK will continue to follow developments and provide guidance and clarity surrounding COVID-19 business issues. To discuss COVID-19’s effect on your business, contact your HBK advisor.

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