Tips for Manufacturers Facing Inflation, Supply Chain Disruptions, and Other 2022 Challenges

Date February 18, 2022
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As we move into 2022, manufacturers continue to report strong demand and increased production. However, the labor market remains tight and the global supply chain disruptions, inflation, and the omicron variant continue to present obstacles for companies. These are the highlights of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Fourth Quarter 2021 Outlook Survey.

NAM surveyed 389 manufacturing companies to compile the results. The respondents included small, medium and large manufacturers. Nearly 87% of the companies were positive about their entity’s outlook. These companies have a combined expected revenue growth rate of 5.2% for 2022 and also expect full-time employment to increase 3.4% over the next twelve months. The expected growth rate of product prices was 5.9%, an all-time high for the survey that began in 1997. This figure is consistent with numerous recent inflation indices that continue to indicate inflation that we have not seen in quite a long time. Another record high reported by the survey is that the respondents expect employee wages to increase 3.8% in the coming year. Similarly, the companies expect raw materials to increase at a pace of 6.5% and health insurance costs to increase a whopping 8.1%.

Given the above, what can your company do to be prepared for the near-term future, while keeping an eye out for the long-term, and how can HBK Manufacturing Solutions assist?

First, it is imperative that you review and update your budgets and forecasts for the coming year. In particular, sales forecasts, cash projections and inventory levels should be compiled and monitored. It is also recommended that tax projections be prepared as the year comes into focus. Companies using the LIFO method to account for inventory should integrate a LIFO projection with the tax projection, as inventory levels and materials costs may have a dramatic impact on LIFO in 2022.

We also recommend that your company review and update your strategic plan to adjust for any possible changes to the plan as a result of the expected circumstances. Reviewing and updating a strategic plan is always a good idea and now is as good a time as any, considering the constantly changing landscape.

As it becomes increasingly difficult to find, train and retain qualified employees, we recommend that companies evaluate their hiring, training and retention methods and look for new and innovative ways to enhance your workforce. Consider engaging an outside company that works with manufacturers to accomplish this goal.

Finally, review your capital investment requirements and plan accordingly. With the global supply chain issues, lead times have been stretched considerably. It is important that your capital investment requirements, sales projections, production and cash forecasts are properly aligned.

HBK Manufacturing Solutions has a team of experienced professionals that can help you with all of these items and more. Please contact us if we can be of assistance in helping your company thrive in 2022.

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NAM Confirms Manufacturers’ Woes Continue

Date January 12, 2022
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As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, manufacturers continue to face significant disruptions due to supply chain and workforce challenges. In its fourth quarter Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that manufacturers are optimistic regarding their company outlook (86.8%); however, this optimism has declined since the second quarter of 2021, likely due to these ongoing disruptions.

Supply Chain Delays Persist

According to the survey, nearly 85% of responding manufacturing companies reported that they continue to contend with disruption from their supply chains. Nearly 54% expect these disruptions to resolve in 2022, although 28% believe they will linger into 2023 or later.

Manufacturers are challenged not only by struggles to obtain goods on a timely basis but also by rising costs. As a result, manufacturers may be forced to increase their prices in 2022. For some, especially small and medium-sized manufacturers, the process of increasing prices can be challenging. Despite current inflation being well-known and highly-publicized, many companies require suppliers to follow a price increase process that can be burdensome and time-consuming, leaving many manufacturers financing increases in input costs until sales price increases can be passed.

To address supply chain disruptions, surveyed manufacturers reported finding secondary suppliers, increasing inventories, reshoring production, and exploring alternatives to sourcing, production, or transportation.

Workforce Challenges Remain

In addition to supply chain woes, manufacturers continue to face workforce challenges, specifically the ability to attract and retain a qualified workforce. The Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey notes that nearly 83% of responding manufacturers are experiencing shortages in quality labor availability, with over 85% of respondents reporting unfilled positions at the time of the survey.

Manufacturers continue to seek ways to improve employee attraction and retention by increasing compensation, developing or modifying internal training programs, working with educational institutions on certification programs, pursuing temporary employees by using staffing services, and encouraging potential retirees to delay inevitable retirement.

Balancing Lean and Resilience

As manufacturers begin a new year, they should continue to take actions that mitigate supply chain disruptions and workforce challenges. These actions may include short-term actions that “fire-fight”, or extinguish an immediate problem, as well as longer-term strategic actions that can build the resiliency of the company. Manufacturers should consider that due to the unprecedented pandemic and extensiveness of its impact, no action is likely to completely resolve these issues. In fact, the emergence of new COVID-19 variants could further threaten manufacturers’ abilities to quickly overcome these issues. Therefore, ongoing active management of these situations will continue to be critical.

Consider the following actions:

  • Determine what challenges are most critical to resolve. Surveyed manufacturers indicated that they have a growing number of late deliveries to customers, lost current and future revenue opportunities, and delayed capital expenditures, likely prolonging needed upgrades or adoptions of technology that could help to resolve issues or increase competitiveness. Every manufacturer should understand and identify its greatest challenges and focus its mitigation efforts on resolving or reducing the impact of those challenges.
  • Analyze your supply chain to identify deficiencies including in geographic location, capability, or limited duplication. For instance, if a source and the alternative source are both located in the same geographic location, a severe weather event could affect both companies’ abilities to supply. Similarly, if two of a manufacturers’ direct suppliers share a supplier (supplier A), the resiliency in the supply chain is reduced since supplier A’s ability to supply affects both of the manufacturer’s direct suppliers.
  • Carefully review your inventory:
    • Given supply chain disruptions, are safety stocks and reordering points appropriate for each given inventory item?
    • Continue reviews for potential obsolescence or spoilage, but ensure that those reviews identify the reason for the obsolescence or spoilage. Can these goods, especially obsolete goods, be repurposed?
    • Do you have similar goods that can be consolidated? For instance, if a custom raw material is used for a specific product, is that custom raw material truly required, or can it be consolidated with a more readily available raw material? This process can relieve potential inventory issues as well as increase purchasing power, which can, in turn, lower input costs.
  • Consider your financing options. With popular programs such as Paycheck Protection Program and Employee Retention Credit ending, manufacturers should consider their cash availability. Given the potential need for higher levels of inventory, increasing raw material and employee costs, and any delays associated with passing price increases, companies should ensure that their cash levels are sufficient to support ongoing business needs.
  • Just-in-time manufacturing and lean manufacturing have been touted as manufacturing best practices due to the potential for realizing reduced costs. However, companies running highly effective, just-in-time or otherwise lean practices are some of the companies most heavily impacted by the pandemic. To ensure your manufacturing operation can operate efficiently, effectively, and most profitably, executive management should use discretion in balancing lean practices with the ongoing need for resilience. Continue to review policies, procedures, and strategies to ensure that your actions align with the company’s ongoing mission and financial goals.

To read the entire fourth quarter Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey, visit the National Association of Manufacturers’ website at To discuss challenges facing the manufacturing industry or options to work through these challenges, contact a member of HBK Manufacturing Solutions at or 330-758-8613.

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