Personal Data Request Form

About your personal information

The information you provide here will be processed solely for the purpose of verifying your identity and residency, identifying the information you’re requesting, and answering your request.

How we will process your request

We will answer your request within 45 days; however, we may require an extension of an additional 45 days to complete your request under certain circumstances. If an extension is needed, we will notify you within the initial 45 days.

The processing of this request is free of charge. Please note that we may refuse to act, as allowed within the CCPA, if a request is insufficiently substantiated, unfounded, or excessive. If we are unable to process the request for the above reasons, we will notify you.

Any questions

Please call 1-800-733-8613

Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

What is your association with HBK CPAs?*
Type of Request*
Are you a resident of California?*