Campus Candidates
Every year we visit select college campuses in search of outstanding graduates to join the HBK team. Because HBK is a regional firm, each new graduate we hire quickly finds that he or she is not “just a number” and becomes an integral part of our team by working side-by-side with top managers from the very first day on the job. The only limit to a new graduate’s growth is his or her own desire and talent. Contact your Career Services office to schedule an interview while we’re on campus. If we do not visit your school, please contact us to arrange an interview.
If you are a student interested in learning more about our interactive summer leadership program we host annually in Holmdel, NJ and Pittsburgh, PA please click here. A behind-the-scenes look at one of the nation’s top regional CPA and consulting firms.

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HBK CPAs & Consultants offers an excellent benefits package including:

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