For instance; sales, service, parts, F&I, BDC, and even rental departments require specialized knowledge. In many ways, operating a dealership is like operating several businesses at once, each with its own strengths and areas of opportunity. In addition, market challenges including supply chain disruptions, rising interest rates, and increased competition can quickly but significantly affect a dealership and its profitability.
Dealerships can benefit from trusted advisors who can help them navigate these and other issues specific to this industry. Specifically, CPA firms can help dealerships not only understand tax obligations or review financial statements but also look forward to help address challenges, optimize profitability, and meet your business goals.
The CPA firm that you select should have the expertise, knowledge, and experience to help you navigate the complex challenges associated with dealerships. They should understand the issues that you face and the key performance indicators that should be monitored for your business. More importantly, they should be able to provide you support in developing and executing plans that can help your business reach its goals.
HBK Dealership Solutions is a team of subject matter experts within HBK CPAs & Consultants, an AccountingToday Top 100 CPA Firm. We bring decades of industry experience, including actual dealership experience as an owner and operator, to the financial and strategic challenges that dealerships face daily. Our experience with dealers nationwide has allowed us to provide creative tax planning and financial statements, deliver transaction support, and provide consulting on operations including on government regulatory compliance, valuations, and M&A feasibility studies. Most importantly, we focus on your dealership and your goals, working to improve operations, increase profitability, and prepare for your dealership’s future.

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