Michael Kapics, CPA, MBA, CCIFP
Principal | National Director, Construction Solutions
Michael Kapics
Youngstown, OH

Mike is a Principal at HBK’s Youngstown, Ohio office, where he has been with the firm since 2001. He serves as the National Director of HBK Construction Solutions, leading a team of specialists dedicated to meeting the unique business needs of contractors.

In 2008, Mike earned the designation of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) from the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals, Inc. (ICCIFP). The ICCIFP is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the highest standards of construction financial management through credentialing. Mike works closely with hundreds of construction clients, helping them achieve their financial goals.

In addition to his CCIFP distinction, Mike is an active member of the Mahoning Division of the Builders Association, serves as Treasurer of the Construction Accounting Network, and is a member of the Ohio Contractor’s Association.

Mike has been featured as a subject matter expert in the national construction magazine “Breaking Ground,” contributing articles such as “Give Your Workforce the Financial Tools to Manage a Successful Project” (2019), “Contractors Need to Actively Manage Their Cashflow” (January 2023), and “Be Prepared and Proactive to Manage Potential Banking Challenges” (November 2023). He also participates actively in several national construction conferences each year.

During his career, Mike has gained significant expertise in accounting and management consulting related to the construction industry. Mike’s industry distinctions include:

  • Assisting clients with cash flow projections and financial statement projections. In one case, it helped lead to a contractor client obtaining more than $100M in a single contract bond.
  • Helping a contractor secure a line of credit with a financial institution at seven times the level they had prior.
  • Assisted in the negotiation of a settlement of sales tax liability, which resulted in a reduction of more than $200,000 from the original assessment.
  • Aiding a contractor client in claim negotiations resulting in more than $1M of additional revenue.
  • Providing expert witness testimony on behalf of a contractor, resulting in a successful lost revenue claim.
  • Helping develop a training program for the management team of a contracting firm, to improve internal communication and overall profitability.
  • BS in Accounting, Youngstown State University
  • MBA, Youngstown State University
  • Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP)
  • Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • Member, Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSCPA)
  • Member, Mahoning Division of The Builders Association