Todd is a Principal with HBK Valuation Group in the Youngstown, Ohio office. He has more than 15 years of experience in financial services including business valuation, equity research, financial planning, and auditing with specialization in investments, equities, trading, retirement plans, and insurance. He has performed or managed valuation engagements for hundreds of clients ranging from entrepreneurial, closely held businesses to large, publicly traded companies. He is the technical expert as valuation issues arise, managing roughly 90 percent of all valuation projects and leading HBKVG’s Valuation for Financial Reporting Purposes Segment. Todd has valued privately owned operating companies and divisions, investment holding companies, proprietorships, and other entities in various industries including healthcare, construction, software development, biotechnology, chemicals, professional services, life sciences, lumber and wood products, hedge fund management, distribution, transportation and trucking, financial services, manufacturing, real estate operation, graphic arts supplies, mechanical contracting, and oil and gas exploration.
- BS, in Business Administration, Youngstown State University
- MBA, Youngstown State University
- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) – CFA Institute
- Accredited Senior Appraiser in Business Valuation (ASA) – American Society of Appraisers
- Certified Business Appraiser (CBA) – the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
- Member, American Society of Appraisers
- Member, National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
- Member, CFA Institute
- Member, CFA Society of Pittsburgh
- President, Mahoning/Shenango Valley Estate Planning Council